SMP 9 Semarang

Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

This Is Sumpah Pemuda, Not Sumpah (ini) Pemuda (kita ..?)

Sumpah Pemuda merupakan bukti otentik bahwa pada tanggal 28 Oktober 1928 Bangsa Indonesia dilahirkan, oleh karena itu seharusnya seluruh rakyat Indonesia memperingati momentum 28 Oktober sebagai hari lahirnya bangsa Indonesia, proses kelahiran Bangsa Indonesia ini merupakan buah dari perjuangan rakyat yang selama ratusan tahun tertindas dibawah kekuasaan kaum kolonialis pada saat itu, kondisi ketertindasan inilah yang kemudian mendorong para pemuda pada saat itu untuk membulatkan tekad demi mengangkat harkat dan martabat hidup orang Indonesia asli, tekad inilah yang menjadi komitmen perjuangan rakyat Indonesia hingga berhasil mencapai kemerdekaannya 17 tahun kemudian yaitu pada 17 Agustus 1945.

Rumusan Sumpah Pemuda ditulis Moehammad Yamin pada sebuah kertas ketika Mr. Sunario, sebagai utusan kepanduan tengah berpidato pada sesi terakhir kongres. Sumpah tersebut awalnya dibacakan oleh Soegondo dan kemudian dijelaskan panjang-lebar oleh Yamin

Just review again about what did happen in 1928 .. We celebrated it in morning ceremony's school .. waw ..
I really glad and proud that our country still have the power from 1928 ..
How amazing that ?, do you agree with me .. ?

Yes, maybe I agree that the question "WHERE IS OUR YOUNG GENERATION ?" is really suit with this 83's of Sumpah Pemuda ..
Maybe this picture will remind us ..

 Yes, we're fighting .. But WITH WHO ..? .. If in 1943-1945 the Indonesian people fighting with the colonialist ..
But TODAY, what is the mean ..? The Indonesian people FIGHT with THEIR OWN NATION .. 
how dissapointed is it .. ? I can't imagine if every year the Sumpah Pemuda will "decorate" by this "carut marut ngebut benjut" by their people .. What will happen with our country .. ? what is the mean of MOTHERLAND if every people that live in that land still fighting .. ?

It's still fresh that the "fighting horde" in my class makes me think .. If everyone like this .. What is next .. ?
But I don't want to get involved more .. Just know the case .. :)

Yes, there's still hope .. Don't sleep in the morning .. Wake up, and put your hands up for Indonesia ..
No time for smokes drug, love laziness or another things that makes Indonesia become worse and worse than worst ..

HOPE .. Is necessary .. But ACTION .. Is beyond of everythings ..
I love Indonesia .. It's where I was born .. Born, Life, Die .. It's true .. If Indonesia's blood has been flown in my blood ..

Bambang Pamungkas, Rio Haryanto, Andrew Darwis .. Is a very little example that we can learn .. There are a lot of Indonesia Young Generation that we just don't know yet .. So .. TALK LESS, ACT MORE ..


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